Dear President Thoma Bach,
In my preceding message addressed to you I wrote ;
“The Tokyo Olympic Games is closely linked with the nuclear issue.”
I am attaching the relevent excerpt from the newly published book “Anti-Tokyo Olympic Declaration”I mentioned in my last message to you.
The book reveals convincinly a media strategy.
The Japanese OLympic female Olympic soccer team paraded in Ginza on 20 August, 2012,mobilizing half a million spectators.It succeeded to divert the attention from the anti-nuclear reactor movement
gaining power.
It is very sad to know of such a departure from the spirit of the Olympic Games.
With highest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata
Former Ambassador to Switzerland
( Message in Japanese)
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2016 12:10 AM
添付の朝日記事で紹介された「反東京オリンピック宣言」の添付の冒頭部分で鵜飼哲一橋大教授が(1)2012年8月銀座で行われた女子サッカーチームの凱 旋パレードは反原発運動から人々の耳目を逸し、五輪招致に向けて都民の支持率をアップさせるというメディアの動員戦略が働いていた(2)2013年の夏に はどう考えてもオリンピックどころではないという「良識の声」が

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