Dear Ambassador Roos,

I hasten to express my heartfelt congratulationsfor the reelection of President Obama.
As you know,I have not doubted a second for this result, believing in his historic role of promoting the international current of maternal culture.
This election was,in a word, a fight between paternal and maternal cultures.
The way is now open for creationg maternal civilization which is a prerequisite for true denuclearization.
The first concrete step is,as I have often communicated to you, the holding of the UN Ethics Summit to create an International Day of Global Ethics.
Please allow me to express my sincere wish to see President Obama take the initiative of holding this Summit.
It is totally in line with the historic role of Japan assigned by the Fukushima nuclear tragedy.
The lessons of Fukushima have started changing Japan and  the world will not remain unaffected.

With highest and warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata

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