November 29, 2013

Dear Deputy Secretary-General Malcorra,

I am sending you my letter addressed to Ambassador Caroline Kennedy.

I will eventually start my efforts to have President Obama take the initiative of the UN Ethics Summit, which can be considered as the entrance to his vision of denuclearization.
I am pinning hopes on the role of Ambassador Kennedy in this regard.

I confided to her predecessor Ambassador Roos the following message to President Obama.
“There is a trinity relationship for global ethics, maternal civilization and true denuclearization.
The UN Ethics Summit  is the unavoidable entrance to your vision.
Your precious support for it is ardently awaited.”

Maternal culture establishes a link that connects President Kennedy, President Obama and Ambassador Kennedy.
I have attached a paper comparing paternal and maternal cultures.

Please convey my warmest greetings to Secretary -General Ban Ki-moon.

With highest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata

P.S.The scandal of Governor Inose seems to menace Tokyo Olympic Games.


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