












 父性文化と母性文化の特徴を比較対照した付表(下記)が、このように十分参考にされており嬉しく思います。もし皆様が、この表の両文化の特徴を注意深く 比較されれば、どちらの方が平和をもたらす可能性が多いかを明確に把握されることでしょう。競争と対立を特徴とする父性文化は数多くの戦争を生み出してお ります。



 母性文化の普遍性は、「Mother Nature(母なる自然)」「Mother Earth(母なる地球)」という言葉で示されます。これとの関連で、私たちは死にゆく兵士の最後の叫びが、「おかあさん……」であることが想起されます。

◆ 母性思考







◆ 哲学としての天の摂理:超自然の意志

 メキシコ湾の原油流出による前例のない大惨事は、確実に世界の基本的変化をもたらすことでしょう。地球環境破壊の大きな原因のひとつであると認識されて いる石油に依存していることの代価に、全世界は目覚めたのです。もう一つの原因と目される自動車について見れば、リーマンショックの後、エコ化、電化へと 向かわされました。


 それは「宗教としての神の摂理」でもなければ、「科学としての自然の摂理」でもありません。天の摂理は哲学であるのでいろいろな警告からその意志を推し 測り、必要であれば破局を回避するために人類の叡智を動員しなければならないのです。天の摂理の「法則」とも言えるものを若干例示すれば、「盛者必衰の 理」「絶対権力は絶対に腐敗する」「全ての人をいつまでも騙すことは不可能である」などを挙げることができます。 .

 核による大惨事に関する、予感にも近い私の深い懸念は、天の摂理についての私の読みに立脚したものです。放射能拡散も報じられ、モスクワの欧米数カ国の 大使館が閉鎖されるほどの猛威を振いつつある森林火災の影響の大きさを、私は深刻に憂慮しております。日本においてこうしたことが報道されてないことは全 く理解に苦しみます。

◆ 地球倫理

 アル・ゴア元米副大統領は、地球温暖化は政治の問題でも科学の問題でもなく、倫理の問題であるとの見解を示しています。長期化する現在の危機についても 同じ事が言えるでしょう。世界中に倫理の欠如が蔓延していることに異論を挟む余地はありません。地球倫理の確立が痛切に必要とされていることを認識するこ とは極めて重要です。

 地球倫理の確立に関しては、人間を超えた存在としての超自然、あるいは天の摂理を信ずる心が幅広く共有されておりますが、この心が宗教を持つ者と宗教を 持たない者の共通の基盤になり得ると考えます。主要宗教の共通の倫理規範と市民社会の良心を統合することにより、地球倫理の確立の有効な基礎を築くことが 可能となりましょう。


 地球システム・倫理学会の理事として、私は、「地球倫理国際日」の創設を提唱しています。これが実現すれば、世界中に幅広く倫理観を目覚めさせることに 大きく貢献するでしょう。私は、その日付を4月5日に設定するよう提案しています。この日は、オバマ大統領がプラハでの歴史的なスピーチにおいて「核兵器 のない世界」のビジョンを提唱し、原爆を使用した唯一の国として米国が行動する道義的な義務を負うことを認めた日であります。核兵器が倫理に反するもので あることは自明です。「地球倫理国際日」は、オバマ大統領のビジョンを促進し、世界中に広がった倫理の欠如に対処する一助になりましょう。

 現代社会のメカニズムは、未来の世代に属する資源を濫用して今の繁栄を築き、半恒久的に有毒な廃棄物および膨大な債務という負の遺産を残すものとなって おります。これは倫理の根本に反することを認めなければなりません。倫理の欠如は責任感と正義感の欠如をも招いております。倫理観、正義感、責任感の「三 カン欠如」は、人類の未来に大きな不安を生んでおります。倫理の欠如こそが現在の文明の危機の原因だと言えるのです。


◆ 核の安全


「原子力ルネッサンス」は核の安全強化の必要性を否定できないものですが、このための最低限の対応策は、核の安全の管理を任務とする独立した組織の設立で あります。この考えは、ノーベル物理学賞受賞者であるジョルジュ・シャルパク氏によって、5年前にフランスの新聞「ル・フィガロ紙」(2005年10月 13日付)の紙上で提唱され、大いに注目されました。同氏は、国際連合の傘下に原子炉と核施設の管理を担う300名の専門家からなる組織の設立を提案しま した。この組織は強制力を付与され、加盟国の主権は制限されるというものです。この提案は、現在極めて時宜を得たものと言えましょう。


 ここまで述べた考えは、現実とは程遠い理想に見えるかもしれません。しかし、この現実を理想に近づける「力」の存在を私は信じております。それは「人間 を超越した超自然の意志、あるいは天の摂理」です。この「力」は、多くの文明の興亡を含む悠久の歴史の教えが、その存在を傍証するかに思われるものです。 人力を超えたこの「力」が、人類と地球の将来に今なお希望を持つことを可能にしているのです。


「人類は、自らが達成した進歩により半ば押しつぶされ、悲鳴を上げている。人類の将来が自らの手に委ねられてしていることを、十分に認識していない。先ず 確かめるべきは、人類は生き続けようと欲しているのかどうかである。次に、人類はただ生きることだけを欲しているのか、それとも更に、神々をつくる機械で ある宇宙の本質的な機能が、御しがたいこの地球上においても完遂されるために必要とされる一層の努力を払う用意があるかどうかを自らに問わなければならな い。」

 このメッセージは、天の摂理が課し得る破局を未然に防ぐために人類の叡智を動員してこの「一層の努力」を払うよう訴えるものであり、同時に母性思考に導 かれるならば破局を未然に防ぐことは可能であることを伝えるものだと信じます。今回の世界大会に出席して、IPPNWが、究極の破局を回避するために必要 とされるこの「一層の努力」を払っていることを現場で目の当たりし得たことは幸せでした。

 母性文化の潮流とは、母性文化の特徴の方により大きく比重が傾きだした現在のような状況を意味すると考えられます。この潮流は、究極の破局に向かう現在 の「力の文明」を、母性文化に立脚した「和の文明」に転換するために不可欠なものであり、歴史的な意義が認められます。

父性文化           母性文化

進歩       ―――      進化
直進       ―――      循環
自己中心     ―――      連帯
競争       ―――      調和
対立       ―――      協調
弱者切捨て    ―――      弱者への配慮
排他性      ―――      開放性
厳格       ―――      寛容
ヒエラルキー   ―――      対等
知性重視     ―――      感性とのバランス
強欲       ―――      少欲知足
権力       ―――      哲学
実力行使     ―――      対話
トップダウン   ―――      ボトムアップ
指揮統制     ―――      自発性
自然征服     ―――      共生〈トモイキ〉
左脳       ―――      右脳
絶対主義     ―――    相対主義
神        ―――    生命
保守主義     ―――    革新主義


19th IPPNW world Congress
Basel, August 29 ,2010

Averting the ultimate catastrophe - Providence and the need for maternal thinking to guide decision making

Mitsuhei Murata
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

We are gathered here to pursue the noble and courageous vision “the World without Nuclear Weapons” of President Obama. Japan, the only victim of nuclear bombings, heartily appreciated his gesture of having Ambassador Roos in Japan attend the annual Hiroshima Peace Ceremony held on August 6th this year. The Secretary General of the United Nations Mr.Ban Ki-moon as well as representatives from France and Britain were also in attendance for the first time. A symbolic step toward a nuclear-free world has thus been made, reflecting the antinuclear mood in America and Europe.
This step is in line with a newly born global current of maternal culture.

Maternal civilization

The great change that is taking place in the world is, in my view, in line with the new global current of maternal culture based on compassion for the weak and solidarity. President Obama undoubtedly is in the vanguard of it. The Chinese President Hu Jin Tao is upholding the goal of メharmonious society.

The recent report about President Obama accepting the construction of a mosque and a Muslim community center at the 9/11 site in New York is another confirmation of his maternal thinking. One must admire his courage and his firm conviction.
The new age seems to have arrived. To overcome the crisis, achieving sustainability alone is no longer sufficient. The “survivability” of humanity is being questioned. More respect will have to be paid to diverging opinions, cultures, religions and civilizations. Only a civilization of harmony based on maternal culture could embrace all of them. I am convinced that this plea is universally acceptable.

Former President Joseph Deiss of Switzerland has just sent me the following message appreciating my ideas about maternal culture. Nothing can be a stronger support than his intention to base his leadership as the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations on maternal thinking. The message states;

“ In facilitating and presiding over the work of the General Assembly throughout the 65th session, ethics and solidarity, openness, dialogue as well as equality among all member states of the UN will definitely be values that will inspire my leadership.”

I am encouraged to note that the attached paper on the characteristics of paternal and maternal cultures has been well taken into account.
On this paper. I would like to quote Charlie Chaplin and Mahatma Gandhi.
(Concerning intelligence versus sensibility)
“We think too much and feel too little. More than cleverness,We need kindness and gentleness.”(Chaplin)
(Concerning greed and contentment)
“The earth can provide for everyone's need, but not for everyone's greed.”(Mahatma Gandhi)

If you compare carefully the characteristics of both cultures in the distributed document, you will clearly grasp which of the two has a better chance to bring about peace. Paternal culture whose characteristics are competition and confrontation has produced many wars.

Maternal culture whose characteristics are harmony, solidarity and compassion, is the key to the solutions of all existing conflicts in the world and it is indispensable to realize the vision of “a World without Nuclear Weapons”.

The universality of maternal culture is shown in such words as Mother Nature and Mother Earth. In this connection, we are reminded that the final cry of dying soldiers is without exception“mother!”

Maternal thinking

My two year long appeal for the creation of a civilization of harmony based on maternal culture to replace the actual civilization of power based on paternal culture has received encouraging support from various quarters of the world. It is important to ask why this appeal has received no opposition. My answer is because all religions and civilizations have elements of maternal culture.

I have noticed that, by condensing all the differences in those between paternal and maternal cultures, it becomes possible to avoid confrontations between religions, cultures and civilizations,encompassing even the political difference between the right and the left.

This, I believe, is a very important point.

In view of the principle of respecting the diversity of cultures and civilizations, this thinking shift in question should be so conceived as to concern only the way of thinking. The shift is therefore from paternal thinking to maternal thinking. The possibility of such shift has been eloquently proven by the case of the United States. Former President Bush symbolized paternal culture whose characteristics are competition and confrontation , whereas President Obama can be said to symbolize maternal culture whose characteristics are solidarity and harmony.

I have reached the conclusion that various conflicts menacing the world can not be solved without the spirit of maternal culture.

The International Community should start calling on all conflicting parties to realize this. Their decision making should be guided by maternal thinking

When we think of the ultimate forms of struggle , nuclear war or nuclear terrorism for instance, we cannot deny that the present civilization of power based on confrontation is headed for catastrophe. We urgently need to replace it with a civilization of harmony based on solidarity and ethics.

Providence as philosophy: the Will of super natural being

The unprecedented disaster caused by the leakage of oil in the Mexican Bay will undoubtedly bring about a fundamental change in the world. It has awakened the whole world to the problem of dependence on oil, which is considered as one of major causes of the destruction of the global environment. We should think of another cause in question, that is motor cars, which are now made to head toward electrification after the Leehman shock. We are led to think that there exists Providence that intervenes to secure the survival of humanity and the Earth. We must admit that the above-mentioned changes are beyond human capacity to bring about.

In this line of thinking, we cannot but be preoccupied by the eventuality of a nuclear calamity. Human wisdom must be mobilized to prevent such ultimate catastrophe from taking place.

The term “providence” used earlier is “Providence of Heaven as philosophy”, which is different from “Providence of God as religion” as well as from “Providence of Nature as science”.
Providence being philosophy, we are to surmise what it will be from numerous warnings and, if necessary, mobilize human wisdom to avert catastrophe.
Let me enumerate some examples of 'laws' of providence.
“The arrogant will inevitably fall.”
“Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
“You cannot deceive the whole world for ever”

My premonition about a nuclear catastrophe is based on my reading of providence. I am seriously preoccupied by the consequences of forest fires raging in Russia including the diffusion of radioactivity that has already obliged a number of European Embassies in Moscow to be closed down. I am totally bewildered by the lack of reporting of it in Japan.

Global ethics

Former Vice President Mr. Al Gore asserts that the problem of global warming is not that of politics nor that of science , but that of ethics. The same can be said about the present persistent crisis. There is no disputing that a lack of ethics prevails in the world. It is essential to recognize that the establishment of global ethics is most badly needed .

Concerning global ethics, the widely shared belief in the existence of “a supernatural being or Providence” could be the common ground for those who have religions and those who have not. The common ethical standards of major religions and the conscience of civil society could be integrated to constitute a valid basis for the establishment of global ethics

The first step to take must be to foster the awareness of the importance of ethics. Otherwise, human greed will continue to be exploited by the supremacy of economy. The necessity of the counterattack by culture to restore humanity is now evident. Culture can enhance basic ethical values.

As director of the Global System_Ethic Association, I am suggesting the establishment of an “International Day of Global Ethic .” It will greatly help to arouse ethical sensibility world wide. I am proposing “April 5” as its date. This is the day when President Obama announced in his historic speech in Prague his vision of “ A World without Nuclear Weapons” and admitted the moral obligation of the United States to act. It is evident that nuclear weapons are unethical. This day will encourage President Obama's vision and help us to remedy the lack of ethics prevailing in the whole world.

The mechanism of modern society is to leave negative heritages to future generations, through building present prosperity by abusing natural resources that belong to future generations and leaving semi-permanently harmful wastes and colossal debts. It is essential to recognize that such a system is counter to the very foundation of ethics. The lack of ethics has invited a void in the sense of responsibility and that of justice, which combined have invited a major cause of concern for the future of mankind. It can be said that the lack of ethics is the cause of the present crisis of civilization.

This is why I have long been pointing out that the present global crisis is not an economic crisis nor a monetary crisis, but the crisis of civilization. Hence the plea for the creation of a new civilization based on ethics and solidarity, respecting the environment of the globe and the interests of future generations.
I would like to call it a maternal civilization.

Nuclear security

I would like to draw your attention to a serious contradiction that exists between two vital requirements of nuclear security.
To prevent nuclear wars and nuclear terrorism, the strengthening of the control over nuclear materials is of absolute necessity on one hand , but, on the other, the prevailing “nuclear rennaissance” increases substantially nuclear installations in the world and makes their control all the more difficult. This is an extremely dangerous situation and we should not avoid addressing this problem which, if ignored, could be fatally dangerous. How should we cope with it?

The minimum answer to the undeniable necessity for strengthening nuclear security which is imposed by the “nuclear renaissance” is the creation of an independent organization in charge of supervising the security of nuclear installations as prescribed five years ago by Mr. Georges Charpak, laureate of Nobel Prize in physics. He proposed in the French paper “Le Figaro” of October 13,2005 the creation of such an organization under the auspices of the United Nations, consisting of 300 experts who are responsible for the management of nuclear reactors and installations. In his view, it is to be endowed with enforcing power and the sovereignty of member states is to be restricted. His proposal is quite timely under present circumstances.


What has been stated may be an ideal distant from reality, but I believe in the existence of a force that will bring the reality closer to the ideal. As stated above, it is “the will of a supernatural being or Providence" which seems to be evidenced by the teachings of history that has witnessed numerous rises and falls of civilizations. This force that transcends human power still allows us to have a hope for the future of mankind and the globe.

I am concluding my speech by quoting the following message to humanity of the French philosopher Henri Bergson written in his great work “The Two Sources of Morality and Religion” towards the end of his life.

“Men do not sufficiently realize that their future is in their own hands. Theirs is the task of determining first of all whether they want to go on living or not. Theirs the responsibility, then, for deciding if they want merely to live, or intend to make just the extra effort required for fulfilling, even on their refractory planet, the essential function of the universe, which is a machine for the making of gods.”

I believe that this message calls upon us to make this extra effort by mobilizing human wisdom to prevent the possible catastrophe which Providence could impose upon us, assuring us at the same time that it is possible, if guided by maternal thinking. I am happy to have observed that the IPPNW is making this extra effort, required for fulfilling the essential function of the universe, and required for averting the ultimate

The comparison of the characteristics of
paternal culture and maternal culture
What is required in reality is a balance between the two cultures. When more weight is placed on the characteristics of maternal culture as can be observed at present, it can be said that there exists a trend towards maternal culture. This trend has a historic significance, because, without it, would be impossible to realise a transformation of the actual “civilization of power” based on paternal culture into a “civilization of harmony” based on maternal culture.

paternal culture maternal culture
・ in relation to goals
progress ======= evolution
going straight ahead ======= going in cycles
・ in relation to others
egoism ===== solidarity
competition ===== harmony
confrontation ===== cooperation
neglect of the weak ===== Compassion for the weak
exclusiveness ===== openness
severity ====== tolerance
hierarchy ====== equality
・ in relation to self-empowerment
intelligence ====== balance with sensibility
greed ===== contentment
power ===== philosophy
・ ways to attain objectives
force ===== dialogue
top down  ===== bottom up
・ in relation to the environment
conquest of nature ====== coexistence with nature
・ Other aspects            (covivence)
absolutism ===== relativism
conservatism ===== reformism
god ===== life



The President of the UN General Assembly 
The Honorable Mr.Joseph Deiss
UN Headquarters
New York City,NY/USA         Tokyo, September 17, 2010

Dear Mr. President,

I hope all goes well with your presidency of the UN General Assembly.

In view of the very positive reaction of the IPPNW to my speech, particularly to my idea of creating an 'International Day of Global Ethics', I am taking the liberty of suggesting that the United Nations plays the vital role of hosting an "Ethics Summit" in New York some time next year, if possible on April 5th (date of President Obama's speech for nuclear abolition in Prague). It will strengthen President Obama's vision. It will provide the opportunity to promote planetary ethics in a time when the lack of ethics is prevailing worldwide.

The aim is to foster the awareness of the importance of ethics, ethics of responsibility for all coming generations, respect for the life system of our unique planet, ethics that will enable us to become Earth compatible.
The content of new global ethics will not be decided beforehand in order to avoid controversy. One goal of an International summit of global ethics would be the development of the ethics content through a dialogue among the participants.

I would very much like to know your feeling on this proposal as well as your advice as to what would be the best way to realize such a project.
Encouraged by many outstanding acquaintances, in particular、Prof. Ernst von Weizaecker, I am ready to intensify my activities in the right direction.

With profound gratitude and warmest regards,

Mitsuhei Murata
Professor at Tokai Gakuen University
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland

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