Tokyo, September 16, 2014

Dear Ambassador Caroline Kennedy,

Please allow me to send you an urgent warning from Japan.
I have written the attached article for an American paper.

Japan knows more than any other country the real and present dangers of
nuclear reactors. It is a serious security problem that the mainstream of the world continue to promote nuclear power generation even after Fukushima, totally ignoring its lessons. Fukushima is a global security issue.

Even after the 3・11 disaster, Japan has not revised the basic nuclear law, intended to promote nuclear power generation as a national policy !
Her governability is now questioned. The fate of the world will be decided by electric companies, if no drastic change takes place.

Japan faces serious shortage of labor throughout the country.
The number of daily necessary workers at the site of Fukushima Daiichi is
increasing. It was 2950 last year. This year, it increased from 4000 in February to 5730 in July. It will surpass 6000 in September.
The Tokyo Olympic Games will seriously affect the difficult procurement of workers at the site. It already looms as a fantasy. According to a reliable information, increasing members of the JOC despair of it.
As you know, I have been pleading for an honorable retreat from it for the sake of coping with Fukushima crisis wholeheartedly.

The problem of protecting the security of the residents of the West Coast
will soon awaken the world to the uncontrollable and spreading consequences of the Accident. We cannot deny that Fukushima, if badly managed, could become the beginning of the ultimate global catastrophe.

Please allow me to count on your understanding and support.

With highest and warmest regards,
Mitsuhei Murata

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